Exploring Digital Divide in Education: A Multiple Case Study


  • Jobeth Florida




This is a qualitative research approach using the multiple case study design which aimed to explore the Digital Divide in Education of the Junior High School learners of Talisay National High School. The study focused on two cases, the learner’s perception whose learning experiences are aided by access, and possession of digital devices, and the learner’s perception whose learning experiences are not aided by access, and possession of digital devices. It was done through one-on-one in-depth interviews with each participant. The data was analyzed in two stages namely, the within-case analyses where the data of each participant was thoroughly analyzed and followed by the cross-case synthesis. Based on the result of the study, learners who are aided by digital devices describe their experiences as helpful, challenging, and having a positive and negative impact. Learners conclude that digital devices are useful and helpful in their studies like creating presentations, making reports, answering assignments, and other school-related activities. In the second case, learners who are not aided by access to digital devices describe their experiences as difficult, challenging, and having less opportunity to learn. It presents that learners are always behind on the activities, and they have less opportunity to learn new things. Additionally, learners have a low performance in their learning because of the absence of digital devices. Moreover, this study served as the basis for the formulation of an innovation on improving student’s learning using digital devices.


learner’s perception, learner’s experiences, digital device




How to Cite

Florida, J. (2024). Exploring Digital Divide in Education: A Multiple Case Study. Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception Insights, 2(02), 80-96. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14663161