Peer-Review Process

FCIC Insights adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. The team strongly encourage journal editors to follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and, when necessary, direct reviewers to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers. In cases of alleged misconduct, the team will investigate following the COPE Best Practice Guidelines to the fullest extent possible. If a breach of publishing ethics is suspected, we request that journal editors and staff promptly notify their OUP contact.

All submitted papers undergo editorial review. Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's criteria are rejected outright by the editors. Manuscripts with potential relevance to our readership are sent to two sets of peer reviewers. Based on the recommendations of these reviewers, editors make one of four decisions:

  1. Accepted
  2. Accepted with Minor Revisions
  3. Accepted with Major Revisions
  4. Rejected

The editor holds the authority to decide which papers will be published from those submitted to the journal.

Review Procedure:

  1. Initial Manuscript Review: All papers receive an initial evaluation by the Editor. Manuscripts rejected at this stage lack originality, exhibit significant scientific flaws, contain poor grammar or language, or fall outside the journal's scope and purpose. Manuscripts meeting the basic requirements are typically sent to at least two experts for assessment.
  2. Peer Review Methodology: FCIC Insights employs a double-blind peer review system, ensuring anonymity for the reviewers throughout the process. Referees are assigned to manuscripts based on their expertise, and our database is regularly updated.
  3. Referees' Reports: Referees are tasked with assessing whether the manuscript is original, methodologically sound, adheres to ethical principles, presents data clearly supporting conclusions, and accurately cites relevant earlier work. Language correction is not a part of the peer review process, but reviewers may suggest text changes if they choose to do so.
  4. Final Reporting: Authors are informed of the ultimate decision to accept or reject the article, along with any recommendations made by the referees, which may include verbatim comments from the reviewers.
  5. The Editor's Decision: Referees provide advice to the editor, who makes the final determination on whether to accept or reject the paper.